Pictured is one of the teleport stations located thru out Alpha World able to bring the visitor directly to the amusement park. The road in the forground is The "Great Silver Road" constructed by Dr. Else. The Great Silver Road is one of the longest and most interesting on Alpha World.           


MULE DOG RECORDS proudly presents some pictures of the first two rides on Alpha World. The rides correspond with the songs on the album and have MIDI versions of the songs playing while the rides are going. The first is the "Gold Mine Ride" which has "Trails Got Me Mama" playing. Here is a shot of some of the ramps the rider is teleported up and into the sky with.  The rider just walks up the first ramp on the desert floor and is teleported to the next level.  The momentum of the teleport sends the rider up the next ramp and into the next teleport, this continues as the rider goes higher and higher above the desert floor. At the highest point in the ride there is an observation deck surrounded by a small railing and a sign that reads "Don't look down if your afraid of heights". From there you are teleported spinning across the desert sky with a great veiw of the ramps you've ascended onto the next part of the ride.

The ride goes into a mining tunnel in the sky and then a free-fall to the desert floor below and then on to... well we better not spoil the ending here.


Not only are songs from the album played on the park, but you can go to the photo gallery and see pictures of the Mule dog concerts and personel.


The Mule Dog Records amusement park is located on Alpha World at 2024s 909w. To get there you will need to download the FREE browser from Active Worlds. You will then be able to visit our rides and build your own house or kingdom if you like! You can get the free download and more information from

Screen snaps of Active Worlds environments courtesy of Circle of Fire.

For more pictures turn to page 3.
For more pictures of AW and of the amusement park turn to page 3.

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